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Melanie, RN

My name is Melanie and I am an RN from Michigan. I have been a nurse for approximately 20 years and have become rather disenchanted with the direction that health care has taken. I saw the ad for the National Laser Institute and thought I would explore further.

From the first telephone call that I made, the advisor was very professional and helpful right down to offering hotels in the area that would provide transportation during my experience. Once I arrived in Scottsdale, all went like clockwork from the moment I stepped off of the plane. The staff at National Laser are awesome, helpful, patient galore, while providing a conducive learning environment, even providing marketing strategies! Words cannot express my complete and total gratitude! I would encourage anyone considering this journey to take a leap of faith and give the National Laser Institute a whir!

Upon my return home I am currently in the process of opening a wellness center and Spa La La offering classes in wellness, reflexology sessions, aroma touch, massage, manicures, pedicures, photofacials, tattoo / hair removal and while you are relaxing at our location enjoy a green bubble tea!

Thank you Louis Silberman and the staff at National Laser Institute!
