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Laser Training Benefits Physicians’s Offices

If you thought laser training was all about working in a medical spa or salon, think again. More and more doctors and dermatology clinics are seeking out professionally trained laser technicians to add to their staff. This is because the medical aesthetics industry has shown an increase in non-surgical cosmetic treatments, such as Botox and laser hair reduction. In fact, these treatments increased by 5% from 2011 and have been steadily increasing over the past few years.

People are seeking out cosmetic laser treatments for a number of reasons. The main one is that it’s more affordable than plastic surgery. Although cosmetic laser treatments do come with risks of their own, they are substantially less severe than the risks plastic surgery poses. Plus, cosmetic laser and injectable treatments come with very minimal to 0 downtime, whereas plastic surgery requires people to typically take time off work, school, and physical activities.

Medical professionals have realized this, which is why they believe enriching their practice with laser trained technicians is vital to their business. If medical professionals don’t have time of their own to become trained, they rely on laser technicians who’ve received prestigious and comprehensive laser training.

Another reason why medical professionals are willing to add cosmetic laser services to their practice is because these services don’t come with the hassle of insurance.

An article in CNN states, “When a patient comes in for wrinkle-smoothing rather than a urinary tract infection, not only does she pay a higher fee, but she pays for it on the spot.” The article continues to quote Dr. Mitchell Chasin, who says, “This means that the doctor isn’t stuck chasing down an insurance check . . . Many physicians are doing it because of the effect of managed care on their practices, and all the hassle factor — they’re running to where they think the grass is greener.”

One of the most prestigious places to receive laser training is National Laser Institute. We’re both a school and medical spa that has been around for years. We’ve earned an A+ rating at the BBB and have a number of starred reviews. To ensure student’s success, we offer them hands-on training with scheduled clients paired with small, in-class lecture settings. We teach in-depth treatments regarding the most popular cosmetic laser services on the market today.

To learn more about laser training or National Laser Institute, please call 800.982.6817.
