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Spa Dentistry

If you are a dentist, you may have had your share of apprehensive patients. The type of patients who, for whatever reasons, are rather reluctant to make their twice-yearly dental exams and who breathe a sigh of relief when they are over. But what if you had the ability to change the way your patients view dental appointments altogether? What if your patients actually looked forward to the time spent in your office? And how would it affect your bottom line if your patients came back not twice a year, but six or even eight times a year?

Imagine your patients leaving your office with a gorgeous, healthy smile AND smooth, beautiful skin. Sound impossible? Think again. Spa dentistry is becoming increasingly popular as more and more dentists are adding spa services to their growing practices. In fact, since 1997, non-surgical cosmetic procedures have grown by an incredible 471%.

When you think about it, the combination of dentistry and cosmetic improvement services makes perfect sense. The patient is already in your chair, probably maintains a hectic schedule, and the fact that she or he takes care of their teeth is a good indication that they want to look and feel their best. Your office already has the necessary infrastructure in place. Spa dentistry is, quite simply, the answer to the busy patient’s prayers. And for the dentist looking to expand her or his practice by leaps and bounds, it is a growing trend that can add a significant revenue stream, as spa services are generally a cash-in-hand business.

Spa services such as laser hair removal, photofacials, BOTOX® and Dermal Fillers will appeal to your existing patients because they will save time by receiving these procedures in conjunction with the dental treatments you already offer. As a licensed dentist, you are already eligible for training in BOTOX® and Dermal Fillers and receive CE/CME units for your training.

At National Laser Institute, we offer a comprehensive training course, the first in the nation to combine classroom instruction with one-on-one observation and hands-on training procedures. Why not change the way your patients view a trip to the dentist? Make your practice a place where people can’t wait to return! To receive more information, call 1-800-982-6817 or fill out our form on your right.
