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Webinar Features Live Demos: Filler for Lips and Laser Hair Removal
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Aesthetician & Career Changers
I enjoyed the online portion. The first 3 days were intense and incredibly informative. I learned biophysics, laser safety, and skin and hair. I liked being able to do this part through Zoom. I feel comfortable learning to work with the lasers and treat clients with a healthcare professional. All of the instructors were knowledgeable, patient, and lively! I loved Kristin, Kelly, and Breanne! They all had different teaching approaches and I learned so much. We studied, prepared for the tests, and trained us using the other students to practice treatments on. All of the front staff! Hannah is fabulous! Everyone was super nice and helpful with any questions.
Loved all the instructors! All of them! They were all so amazing! Kellie is an absolute doll! We stayed busy practicing for the test or doing treatments on each other.
Very good, instructors well prepared for all questions. Loved everything. Loved Kristen, Kelly, Brittney and Melissa, Shelly and Jemy...Thank you so much for everything.
Didactic was great! I learned so much from the hands-on course!! Loved every minute! Absolutely, LOVED LOVED Kelly and Kristin!!! They made this experience worth every minute and penny! Brittany was an instructor that I very much enjoyed also! I loved her knowledge and she watched us intently and made sure we were excellent in what we were doing. Need that!! Of course. Shelly was super FUN and exciting!! Melissa was good too.
I prefer in-person learning. I enjoyed the hands-on. It was very informative. So we can get more hands-on. Shelley- Loved the instruction. Erin was informative and gave good instruction on safety. Kelly- great instructor, confident in her knowledge and instruction. Jaime-informative, funny, good instructor. Brittney- She was to the point, great with direction, and explained and went over the machine, so we could understand the terminology of the settings. Kristin-THE BEST, great instructor. Melissa-great with real-world instruction. Gave great examples. Showed us pictures of clients. Very thorough on safety.
I found the didactic portion extremely helpful. Every instructor with whom we interacted was so knowledgeable. I have a profound respect for the knowledge and teaching abilities of Kristan, Brittany, Kelly, Shelley, and Melissa. I learned so much from each, and they truly cemented my knowledge, and therefore confidence in the field. Breann was also extremely knowledgeable, and I appreciated the steady, easygoing environment she created in her classroom.
I loved the group I was in!
Mallory was amazing, Anna was great as well. Both knowledgeable and very helpful. Our advisor Stacy Williams was amazing! And our instructor Mallory was extremely knowledgeable and personable.
Learned a lot of new things my favorite was the laser hair reduction.
It was great! Very informative. Loved it! Everyone was so awesome to work with and really made me understand everything. I really loved Sam! She really told us how it is and especially when I go into the work field. We worked on each other and the other times we answered questions.
It was great. I love the hands-on.
Hands on was good. All instructors were good but Sam stood out, she took the time to show a power point and really teach and engage us in learning. Carrie was also really good her personality is what kept us all focused.
It was a great experience. They were all amazing, I really loved Elana. She really wanted you to learn the photo facial technique and is passionate about what she does. I really loved Breann, Mallory, Shelley, Liz they were all awesome!
The instructors were great!
The in-person class made sense. Without the online class, it would have been difficult. The on hands session was a must. Sam had reminded us that we should be entitled to learn as much as we can and ask as many questions. She encouraged us, made it super fun, and challenged our education thus far. Amazing.