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Allison Madigan

My husband and I moved to Arizona in September of 2004 and after a few months of job hunting with disappointing prospects, I decided I needed more education to find a job I would be happy with. After some Internet hunting and comparison-shopping, I decided on the National Laser Institute. This laser school appealed to me in several ways. I was pleased to find that the it offered more hours than what was required by the state of Arizona and the curriculum was very in-depth, with lots of hands on training and observation hours. And because financing was available, I was able to attend right away.

Training was wonderful and the instructor was unbelievably knowledgeable and confident. Classes progressed at a pace that was stimulating but not overwhelming and the support of the instructor and the entire staff at National Laser Institute was top of the line. When it came time to do treatments, the instructor led us through and enabled us to grow with each while gaining confidence so that we felt able to go out into the working world and be successful. I gained employment with Advanced Laser Clinics in Scottsdale before I even graduated from the Institute. The clinic approached the Institute and was referred to me for an interview. I was told upon being offered the position of laser technician that I was the prime candidate of all interviewees because I was attending the National Laser Institute.

