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I really enjoyed the hands on portion of the course as well. I really loved Ms. Shanna she is such a light and a breath of fresh air. She was very good about being uplifting and encouraging. I loved Mrs. Evee as well she was good about showing us the ropes and then letting us get in there and go for it with her instruction and then easing back to give a chance to get a feel for things and correct. Mrs. Sandra was great she has lots of knowledge to share about the industry which I love. Bree was great she is so intelligent and has lots of information to share, she knows the didactic very well. I enjoyed her laid back hands off approach. Courtney is great I like that she engaged us in the didactic but having us rotate reading a section of the packets. Angela was great she is very knowledgeable and can tell that she takes what she does seriously. She is very thorough and made sure that we were thorough as well. They managed downtime but asking if we had any questions about anything. They took the time to answer any questions that we had. If we didn’t have any they would give us 15 minutes to take a break between appointments.
