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Beverly Scida

I had a remarkable experience at National Laser Institute in Dallas, literally from beginning to the sad end! I really hated to leave behind all the amazing women I met both as far as staff and students! I don’t think I could have written every detail of this experience out myself and made it anymore fabulous. Forgive me if this drags on a bit, but I do want to share most every positive experience I had!

I have been considering going into the laser field for a couple of years now and looked at several schools, all of which were a jaunt from where I live. To say I was skeptical to try to pick a school online would be an understatement! I try to be diligent in where I put my energy and my money, and even though there is a school 100 miles from me I had to dismiss the idea of going there because no one ever responded to email or even phone calls in reference to enrolling—not to mention a “college level” entrance essay was required. Somehow I feel a bit of entitlement when choosing a technical school and that I am the interviewer not the interviewee!

I finally decided to call National Laser Institute because every single time I did a Google search, National Laser Institute was not only the first link but more often than not always went several search pages back, so that said to me that someone puts a lot of energy, passion and resources into promotion, which usually means that same passion will be found in other places. National Laser Institute did not disappoint! One phone call and two emails later (literally days before class started) I was enrolled and on my way to Dallas on a whispered prayer that the school and instructors would at least meet my expectations.

I was impressed from the first moment! The outside of the school was impressive, the lobby immaculate, the receptionists were friendly and capable. With no delay I was sitting in class. I am a details person, so I find that I am more impressed by the small things than the most obvious. The pride and passion shows from the decor to the folders that came with our text books. The classroom studio seating was great as well, having the last ten or so years of my background being real estate-related I can’t neglect to mention that I LOVED the bathrooms! Who actually buys covers, not just any covers, but covers with bling for their toilet water tubes? I was so impressed and got such a kick out of it that I took a picture of it and shared it on my facebook!

Onto instructors! Ami stood out to me in her ability to keep control of the class with the same grace as I imagine a Harvard professor would! Her patience and thoroughness was simply amazing even under stress. Never, with any instructor I had (Ami, Kellie, Melissa, Monica, Evee, Sandra, I hope I didn’t miss anyone) lacked enthusiasm and an absolute passion for their job and love of the field, and those things can’t be faked. Kellie works her butt off for her students to make sure they get what they need. Evee is just a super star all on her own and a joy to be around and learn from! Monica is such a hoot and passionate about the things she loves. Sandra, just wow! Just when I thought I couldn’t take another day of BBL, she opened doors I may not have ever discovered with introductions to improved techniques and patience with me beyond measure trying to help me finally wrap my mind completely around pulse width. She literally explained it to me in enough different ways that it finally clicked and stuck in my mind with what seemed like never ending patience!

I cannot stress enough what a great experience this was for me. I would do it all over again! Thank you, thank you, thank you to Louis for all of his energy, passion, attention to detail and continued follow up to make National Laser Institute THE BEST! Now if he could only bottle a little of his energy up and share it, that would be just great! His passion shows in every detail from cleanliness to front desk to his amazing instructors and staff. I feel beyond blessed to have encountered everyone of amazing ladies in Dallas and even one from AZ and to be even a small part of such a great experience!

