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Claire G.

I feel like the first 3 days of didactic were extremely informative. The hands on portion of class was amazing. The instructors were there to support us every step of the way and did a great job balancing teaching and letting us work semi independently on clients! The instructors were absolutely fantastic. My top favorite instructors were Evee, Cassidy, Bree, Ms. Monica, and Shanna. All of the teaching staff is phenomenal and were extremely helpful and informative. This teaching facility is one of the best educational institutions that I have ever been in. I am so thankful for Zeke being there to help and support us along the way. He made himself available to us whenever needed and was very dedicated to helping us throughout our time here. They gave us adequate breaks and spent our downtime educating us and getting to know us so that they could better educate us. The teaching staff here is impeccable.
