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Ethan Reynolds

I attended the Chicago Core class September 30 through October 6th, 2013 and I loved it! I had very high expectations and they were met! The program was very concise and straight to the point. The information shared was relevant to starting as a CLT in either a spa or medical office. I feel prepared to work in either!

The educators were exceptional! Shana, Sandra, Dani (local to the Chicago area), Jenny and Shelley gave foundational information and “real life” situational applications for that foundation. They were all engaging, encouraging and entertaining. I want to work with all of them on a daily basis!

Tracey and Eileen put together a flawless event! I can’t express how wonderful it was to start each day with their joyful “good mornings” and bright smiles! Plus it was really impressive to have Louis stop in and give a presentation on how to market ourselves to the industry. It shows his dedication to the growth of the med spa industry. Very inspiring! It was also nice to have representatives from Syneron Candela there for a presentation.

Thank you for providing a great program. Your team changes lives with every class!

