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Jane Probert from San Antonio, TX

I graduated National Laser Institute in November of 2006. Let me say that my training there opened many doors for me, most importantly, my own. After graduation I put in about 6 months at American Laser Clinic. I was hired the minute I walked in the door. Their own technicians had the maximum 3 days training, so my knowledge and understanding of the industry was superior to even my manager. However, I wanted to get inside the day to day business of laser hair removal and skin rejuvenation and so I worked there to absorb as much as I could.

Early this year, I started the process of buying a used IPL and new Silk Peel. I added these to my esthetics equipment and opened for business in May. I lease a small suite in a building with many hairdressers, manicurists, and other estheticians they have been so supportive, sending me lots of business to get me off to a great start. As we all know the business of laser hair removal and advanced skin treatments are highly competitive. I get calls all day long from price shoppers. But that is ok. I cannot and do not want to compete for the lowest price. My specialty is a full understanding of the physics of light based skin and hair removal treatments and their reactions with the human body. I provide a luxurious and clean environment, and I am there for my clients at the time of the service and after. By the way I have received only 1 call from a client with a concern in 8 months time.

So this is where I stand, I have a little baby laser and advanced skin spa. And like a baby it will have to be nurtured and will need all my attention and creativity to keep it growing. I am proud and happy and I owe this in part to my training at National Laser Institute. I received more than training there–I received a dream.
