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Mary Matera

Just wanted to give you an update and let you know that I was hired by BioDerm Skin Care & Laser Center here in Dallas, Texas at the end of September, 2007. At the moment they have two locations, one in Garland, TX, and the other in Arlington, TX. I have been with them for a mere two weeks, in training, and they told me that I will be the first person that they have ever hired that will have completed their training in record time. Training at BioDerm usually takes one month, as they are very cautious and thorough when training a new employee. My training will be completed in two weeks! They cannot believe that I have never worked in another med spa before, and have gone so far as to tell me that they thought that I was a spy from another med spa because I was so knowledgeable with the lasers and had such a good technique. They are actually wanting to groom me to run the next location that they are planning on opening in Highland Village, about 5 minutes from my house, which is perfect for me! I just wanted to say THANK YOU again for all that the National Laser Institute taught me. The school is exemplary, and I have recommended it to several of my friends and co-workers even to a couple of patients interested in getting into the field. Please keep me updated as to when Louis will be opening up the next National Laser Institute here in Dallas so that I can direct people to it. Again, my deepest gratitude for giving me a head start at a new and exciting life!

