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Terri Erd

The National Laser Institute has provided me with the proper education, knowledge, and hands-on training that I feel is essential in today’s market in aesthetics. The hands-on training and the theory have given me the confidence that will help in the job search. My teacher was an extraordinary person whom I have a lot of respect for–she is extremely intelligent, well experienced, very informative and congenial. She makes sure everybody understands the theory of the laser hair removal and treated all students equal and fair, she is absolutely congenial. I definitely recommend her as a teacher. She’s the best, which made the class all the fun especially during the hands on training when we were all so busy. I definitely would recommend this school for I feel it was well worth the price. The curriculum I feel was intense but gave me the proper knowledge and information, which I feel anybody should know who wants to do laser hair removal. Beats a five-hour seminar any day. The staff was all very pleasant and courteous which truly impressed me, whereas normally it is so uncommon in this day and age. So it was like family, a comfortable feeling.

