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Tracey L.

Instructors are very knowledgeable and passionate about their respective areas of expertise and it reflects in the didactic presentation. Love the hands on sections of the training with the exception of CoolSculpting, since we were only able to complete the 3-minute demo on the machine. It would’ve been more insightful if were were able to see a full treatment as in all the other therapies and laser treatments we learned. All of the instructors were/are amazing. As described above, very passionate in their profession and that passion reflected in the presentation. Shelley made me feel like it’s more than just a tattoo removal but a life changing experience for some clients; Evee oozed energy and love for this industry and I felt like she could put me in her pocket and I could shadow her in the field to be saturated in her knowledge; it seemed like the instructors were carefully hand selected and each one was perfect for the area they taught, they were authentic and love what they do! I learned so much from each one of them and appreciate all the knowledge they shared to help us flourish in this industry!
