Brittany Attends Botox Injection Training
This podcast begins with Louis asking about Brittany’s career journey from her start, to where she is currently working. With this in mind, Brittany landed her nurse injector position while in National Laser Institute’s advanced Botox injection training program for Nurse Practitioners.
Hey, I’m Louis the Laser Guy and welcome to my podcast, ‘Pursue Your Passion.’ Join me on my journey as we discover how aestheticians, nurses, physicians, and complete career changers are living their passion in this booming, billion dollar medical aesthetics industry. Finding your purpose isn’t only about making great money, it’s about so much more. It’s about tapping into your passions and chasing your dreams.”- Louis Silberman
Path to Nurse Practitioner to Botox Injection Training
To begin her story, Brittany tells Louis about her path that led to her landing her dream job. Firstly, Brittany grew up in Mesa and attended a concurrent nursing program with both Mesa Community College and ASU. In addition, Brittany tells Louis that she was able to complete her bachelor’s and associate’s degree at the same time. Due to this, she became a legal nurse in August of 2019. When Louis inquired about where Brittany decided to begin her career as a nurse, Brittany responded, “I do work at Banner Desert and I’m in the emergency department.”
Advanced Injectable Course
Next, Louis asks what made Brittany decide to take a class in advanced injectables or lasers? Brittany responds,
“In nursing school, I was in a couple of clubs and you (Louis) actually came and spoke at my student nurses association club…who is this guy with the energy and the charisma and the knowledge? I had checked out other little places and I felt, you know, the certifications were wonderful. But, I felt like you were like a one stop shop, I could get it all done. That was the one place I wanted to go to…and you were on my radar for the entire first year of nursing…I’d been putting it off just because, and I wanted to do it…and I was just like, this is it…So I signed up and I showed up two weeks later.”- on joining National Laser Institute
As well as that, in National Laser Institute’s aesthetic RN program, Brittany learned sclerotherapy, PRP, neuromodulators, and fillers. In continuation, Louis asks what Brittany’s favorite topics were in the program. Brittany responds, “I absolutely loved learning the fillers, they were probably one of my favorite things to do. I’m a lips girl, I love the beauty of lips, the symmetry, and the many ways you can change people’s smile. It is truly fascinating how much you can do with just Botox, or just filler, or the combo of both of them.”
National Laser Institute’s Aesthetic RN Program
In National Laser Institute’s aesthetic Registered Nurse program, you will be educated on such topics and technologies such as:
- Sclerotherapy
- Platelet-Rich-Plasma (PRP)
- PDO Threads
- Kybella
- Dermal Fillers
- Advanced Injection Areas
- Botox and Dysport
The Medical Aesthetic Industry
Louis wonders aloud to Brittany that it is interesting that after being in the aesthetic business for a while, you realize that most of the clients you see are coming to you. As well as that, “they want to look good, but they’re coming more for building their confidence and building their self-esteem and just to feel good inside and out.” Brittany responds, “It’s an overall mood booster just from the experience myself. You know, you go in and you have this vision and when they execute it, you truly just feel like a whole new person…you leave feeling so good.”
What’s Next After Botox Injection Training
In continuation, Louis asks what Brittany’s plan for the future is, “What do you want to do? Is this going to be like a side hustle and you keep the hospital job?” Brittany replied that during her schooling in Botox injection training, she was offered a job by a plastic surgeon right there in Scottsdale! Brittany goes on to say that unfortunately, the job would pull her away from the emergency department sooner than she would rather leave.
Brittany states, “That is something I am super passionate about still developing in. I want to be a confident ER nurse before I step away from that…but I want to do both, I like the luxury of both, I like the rush I get in the ER and that caring, more intimate aspect.” Brittany goes on to say, “I want to do both. End goal nurse practitioner, own practice rocking, doing my own thing.”
“I know so many nurses out there that work three 12-hour shifts. Let’s say they work a Monday, a Tuesday, and a Wednesday at 12 hours each day. They are not working on Thursday, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays…and then they say, wait a minute, I didn’t know I could do Botox as a side hustle a day or two a week…if they really enjoy it and enjoy the time and the money, they could step away and take three hospital days down to two or whatever mix they want to do…There are so many options out there.” -Louis on how to get the best of both worlds in this industry.
Brittany considers Louis’ remarks and replies that it is her ultimate goal to go on to working part-time in the hospital and performing Botox injections part-time as well.
The Motivation, The Passion
Further on, Louis asks what made Brittany desire to get into the Botox injections business. Brittany happily replies that she loves the passion and the feeling she gets when she leaves her own aesthetic injector Nurse Practitioner. As well as that, she is looking to form more of a bond with her clients. Brittany states that the hospital is different because, “Whenever it comes to aesthetics, I want to make them feel better. I want them to look forward to seeing me. When people come to the hospital, they don’t want to be there, they don’t want to see me.”
In addition, Brittany is looking forward to her job doing Botox injections and other treatments because of the bond an aesthetic injector Nurse Practitioner shares with their patient. Louis states, “My nurse injectors are friends with their patients. They are friends on social media and they hang out. It’s like a different relationship.” Brittany replies that, “It totally is, and I love that. I love that people are shouting out their injections and that they are rooting for them…they are sharing them and that they really wanna have that relationship.”
ER Nurse to Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner to Medical Director
When Louis discusses what makes Brittany want to step away from the hospital environment, Brittany replies that she is looking forward to being responsible for her own practice. As well as that, she is looking forward to being an entrepreneur. Then, Louis states that it is important to know, “If you want to be autonomous and have your own practice, you have to get what’s called a medical director, a doctor to sign…they can be indirect at their own business, they are just the kind of signing party.”
In continuation, Louis explains that in some states like Arizona a Nurse Practitioner can be the signing party. However, in most states, it requires a MD to sign the paperwork. Louis goes on to say that, “last year, medical aesthetics was $16 billion annually and Abbie V spent $65 billion buying Allergen…So I always tell people, don’t get too caught up in the competition, just go out there and get your piece of the market. Grow your business..,just let it be your baby, you know?”
National Laser Institute’s Continuing Support
Furthermore, Brittany speaks on the support she received following her period of Botox injection training at National Laser Institute. In fact, National Laser Institute provides resources post-graduation to ensure all alumni have the tools and opportunities available for them that they will need. Next, Louis asks how Brittany felt National Laser Institute did as an educational institution during the COVID-19 pandemic. Brittany responds, “It was top-notch, everybody got cute little hand sanitizers…we had the masks, we had the shields, even with the patients coming in, they felt very safe…sanitization was top-notch and me and my classmates did not think twice about coming to class…our temperatures were taken. We thoroughly enjoyed it and everyone felt very safe.”
If you are interested in Botox injection training and National Laser Institute’s aesthetic Nurse Practitioner program, contact us today by clicking here. In addition, you can connect with the National Laser Institute via Facebook or Instagram.
“Finding your purpose isn’t only about making great money, it’s about so much more. It’s about tapping into your passions and chasing your dreams.”- Louis Silberman, CEO and Founder of National Laser Institute.

About the Author
Hello! I’m Bri Kelley, and I have dedicated the last four years to creating SEO blog content for National Laser Institute. With a family deeply rooted in the company– my mother contributing for nine years and my brother for two– I have immersed myself in the realm of cosmetic lasers and medical aesthetics for almost a decade.
My enthusiasm for skincare and the fascinating realm of medical aesthetics fuels my work. Important to note, my writing spans both the spa and educational facets of National Laser Institute. On the educational side, I delve into the advantages of pursuing a career in either cosmetic lasers or medical aesthetics.
When I write spa-related content, I illuminate the perks of various cosmetic laser and medical aesthetic treatments. Due to this, the dual focus allows me to gain a comprehensive understanding of each aspect within the medical aesthetic field. As well as that, I find great joy in continuous research, which ensures that my content remains current with the latest developments in the ever-evolving landscape of medical aesthetics.