Emma’s Laser Technician Training
In the podcast series, “Pursue Your Passion,” Louis interviews aestheticians, nurses, physicians, and complete career changers that are living out their dreams. Louis joins in with Emma, who took cosmetic laser technician training at National Laser Institute. Following her studies, Emma landed her dream job!
“Hey, I’m Louis the Laser Guy, and welcome to my podcast, ‘Pursue Your Passion.’ Join me in my journey as we discover how estheticians, nurses, physicians, and complete career changers are living their passion in this booming billion-dollar medical aesthetics industry.”
Before Laser Technician Training
To begin, Louis learns that Emma is from Indiana and she originally worked as an aesthetician for four years before her laser technician training at National Laser Institute.
In continuation, Emma worked as an aesthetician performing traditional treatments such as facials and chemical peels. Emma knew that she wanted to further her education and learn more about medical aesthetics. To continue, Emma stated, “I always wanted to be in the medical field with aesthetics. Whether that be dermatology or plastic surgery, I wasn’t quite sure…I went right into applying for those medical positions and I was getting a door shut in my face.”
After a couple of years of working as an aesthetician, Emma was, “getting that itch to be in the medical field.” With this in mind, Emma began to research how to become a medical aesthetician. When Emma landed on National Laser Institute’s webpage, she decided that cosmetic laser technician training would be her next step in her education. Due to this, Emma stepped into furthering her career as a medical aesthetician by taking a plane to Arizona to attend the National Laser Institute, the gold standard of laser technology and medical aesthetics education.
During National Laser Institute’s Laser Technician Training
Before and during Emma’s experience at National Laser Institute, she had several personal things going on in her life that left her worried. However, Emma stated, “This is the time where I need to take this and do my thing, and it was such a growing experience the whole three weeks that I was in Arizona.”
Important to note, National Laser Institute is located in Scottsdale, Arizona. As well as that, National Laser Institute has another location in Dallas, Texas. In addition to National Laser Institute’s two brick-and-mortar locations, the school holds destination education courses in places like Boston and Chicago.
Next, Louis asks Emma to speak more about her experience at National Laser Institute. Emma replied that she was nervous in the beginning when she didn’t know anyone, but she was very reassured, “knowing that everybody that is in that class, we’re all there for the same thing and that is really comforting.” In continuation, Emma stated that she made several great friends that she is still in contact with to this day.
In addition to the former, Emma found the education had a lot of information to absorb. Following the didactic portion of the course, National Laser Institute provides clincal education. Due to this, students can truly learn about lasers through hands-on experiences.
Follow Your Dreams
“Finding your purpose isn’t only about making great money, it’s about so much more. It’s about tapping into your passions and chasing your dreams.” – Louis Silberman CEO
Next, Louis learns that Emma is happily engaged to be married and working as a laser technician at her dream job, Inspire. Prior to National Laser Institute, Emma applied to a medical aesthetic location called, “Aspire Plastic Surgery.” Right after she finished aesthetics school. Unfortunately, this time, Emma was turned down. However, Emma reapplied right before she attended National Laser Institute.
During the program, Emma received a call from the manager of Aspire Plastic Surgery saying that they would like to interview Emma when she returns to Indiana. Emma happily replies that “when I was on the phone with them, the one thing they said…we were looking through your resume…seeing you have experience and everything like that…but they said the one thing that really, really made me stand out from any other resumes was that I went to National Laser Institute and I was a laser technician.”After hearing this news, Emma knew that the steps she made toward furthering her education were truly worth it.
In the following, Louis asks, “Do you feel that clients are coming to you to become more beautiful or more to build confidence in themselves?” To clarify, Emma states, “There are so many patients of mine that will walk through that door and they are at the lowest of their low and they’re like, ‘You know what, Emma, I just want to feel good again.” Emma goes on to say that maybe, “something happened in their life, they just want to be good and feel confident…and that’s like the biggest thing I see, especially with acne patients.”
Making Connections
Emma goes on to say that she would never try to get a cell phone number or an Instagram from a patient in the hospital, however, “every single patient in the medspa world, I got their Instagram, I got their Facebook…I love the fact that I’m forming relationships with the patients.” Emma goes on to say,
“I think that’s what makes or breaks people in this industry. If they’re in it for the money or they think it’s going to be an easy job…You really have to be passionate about this. You really have to care about people…you really have to care what they want for themselves.”
Life-Changing Patient Experience
Next, Louis asks Emma what her most life-changing and about a favorite experience with a patient. In response, Emma said that her favorite patient experience was with an acne patient. Moreover, Emma described how when the patient originally first arrived at Aspire and, “came to Dr. Lee, who is our plastic surgeon…she wanted a laser treatment to just laser off her skin basically. He brought me into the treatment room and he asked me…can you take her back and talk to her about skincare and everything?”
Following this conversation, Emma took the patient underneath her wing and helped her to understand her acne. After four months of treatment, when Emma, “looked at her skin as she walked through my treatment door, I closed the door and looked at her and I was like, ‘Your skin, it’s amazing,’ and she just starts crying and she’s like, ‘Emma…I never thought that my skin would ever look like this.'” In continuation, Emma describes the experience as breathtaking because it was her first severe acne patient that she helped. On the topic of following your dreams, Emma says,
“Go for it, follow your dreams because it’s going to be so worth it. During that journey, you may have some roadblocks and you may have some doubts, but in the end, it’s going to be so worth it.”
National Laser Institute
Louis ends the podcast by saying to Emma, “So I commend you on chasing your dreams and following your passions, and congratulations! I love your story and let’s stay in touch!”
So if you are working in the aesthetic and beauty business, the fastest way you can grow your company is through social media. This can include Instagram and Facebook. To learn more tips and tricks on growing your brand, follow Louis at @asklouology to receive daily complimentary marketing advice that will help you soar on social media!

About the Author
Hello! I’m Bri Kelley, and I have dedicated the last four years to creating SEO blog content for National Laser Institute. With a family deeply rooted in the company– my mother contributing for nine years and my brother for two– I have immersed myself in the realm of cosmetic lasers and medical aesthetics for almost a decade.
My enthusiasm for skincare and the fascinating realm of medical aesthetics fuels my work. Important to note, my writing spans both the spa and educational facets of National Laser Institute. On the educational side, I delve into the advantages of pursuing a career in either cosmetic lasers or medical aesthetics.
When I write spa-related content, I illuminate the perks of various cosmetic laser and medical aesthetic treatments. Due to this, the dual focus allows me to gain a comprehensive understanding of each aspect within the medical aesthetic field. As well as that, I find great joy in continuous research, which ensures that my content remains current with the latest developments in the ever-evolving landscape of medical aesthetics.