Krys Takes Nurse Aesthetic Training
Louis meets with Krys for one of his weekly podcasts, “Pursue Your Passion,” to delve into what made Krys choose to undergo nurse aesthetic training.
“Hey, I’m Louis the Laser Guy, and welcome to my podcast, ‘Pursue Your Passion.’ Join me in my journey as we discover how estheticians, nurses, physicians, and complete career changers are living their passion in this booming billion-dollar medical aesthetics industry.”
To start, for Krys, working in medical aesthetics means, “I love being a nurse. I love caring for people, and this allows me to do that and have fun and have that work-life balance.” What we can really tune into in this life that will help it be more fulfilling, is managing a healthy work-life balance. Although Krys started in a different sector of nursing, she found that nurse aesthetic training and becoming her own boss was a way for her to set a healthy work-life balance.
Before Nurse Aesthetic Training
In continuation, when Louis first met Krys at National Laser Institute, she was working as a Nurse Practitioner for about a year and a half. To follow, Louis asks what kind of nursing Krys was doing previous to her work as an aesthetic nurse. Krys replies that while she was working as a nurse, she was able to be a part of every department. For example, Krys worked in oncology, orthopedics, neurology, medical nephrology, and more!
What’s more, is that while Krys was working as a Nurse Practitioner, she trained in family practice. Following that, Krys specialized in pain management and worked with interventionalists. In addition, while Krys worked as a Nurse Practitioner, she performed several joint injections. As well as that, she used Botox injections to treat pain conditions, like migraines. Krys described it as, “you’re dabbling a little bit with Botox for migraine headaches, which is totally different than cosmetic medicine Botox.”
Why Choose Nurse Aesthetic Education
In continuation, when Lou asks Krys what made her switch to the world of medical aesthetics, Krys stated that she was ready for a change. For example, Krys would previously, “work all day for 10 hours…come home and chart all night and do it again.” Krys goes on to say that she was missing watching her kids grow up while she worked as a nurse in the medical field. With this in mind, that is when Krys decided to look into the world of medical aesthetics as a Registered Nurse aesthetic injector.
Moreover, what Krys would come to find is that becoming an aesthetic injector would be a big change from pain management because, “the patients are happy, they’re excited to be there, no one’s mad at you.” As well as that, Krys found that the job gave her more of an opportunity to be her own boss. Krys also states that “in Nevada, Nurse Practitioners have independent practice.”
Nurse Aesthetic Training at National Laser Institute
Krys’ Time at National Laser Institute
Furthermore, Louis asks what courses Krys took during her time at National Laser Institute. Krys stated that she, “did injectables, PDO threads…all of the advanced filler and Botox,” education National Laser Institute had to offer. When Louis asks how Krys felt leaving the course, she described that she, “felt really confident and that’s something that I couldn’t get in any other.”
One benefit of the education National Laser Institute provides is that students are able to make lifelong connections. For example, Krys states,
“I still talk to my trainers, anytime anything comes along…so when something funky happens…I have other people to reach out to that are so kind.”
Making a Name for Yourself
Next, Louis inquires about what drove Krys to open her own business, which she named Primrose. Krys replies that “right before I came to National Laser Institute, my son died and that’s what really drove me to push myself to do something different.” In the following, Krys goes on to say that she is, “going to believe in herself because somebody gave me the advice that after he died, I needed to do everything I did. It was me living through him. And so all of my successes were a part of his successes and I wanted to make his short life mean something. So I decided that everything at Primrose was for him.”
As well as that, Krys continues to say that the butterfly and her logo, were actually based on a watercolor turned into a print, that her best friend did. When Krys speaks more of her son, she said,
“We released butterflies at his funeral and butterflies represent transformation. For me, it was not only my own transformation. It’s transforming my patients to understand how beautiful they already are.”
Owning Your Own Business
Next, Louis asks about Krys’ practice’s name, Primrose. Important to note, Krys tells Louis that Primrose was the name she had chosen for her daughter if it lays in the cards for her. For Krys, opening her own business, and becoming her own boss, became another child to nurture growth in. In continuation, Louis asks Krys what is it that motivates her in business. Krys replies that she, “truly loves coming into work, not feeling burnt out, so I can be on for my kids.”
“I’m not here to change you. I want you to see what I see and what the rest of the world sees. All of the women in here have had hardships and have been through things and it took them believing in themselves to get where they are now and to be so successful.”- Krys
Why Should You Invest In Yourself
Moreover, Krys, says “you get one life and it’s so short, it really is. I mean for me, National Laser Institute took me investing in myself. It was worth every penny…and you can grab little quick courses online or whatever you can find, and you’re not going to be ready. It took me really to be like, ‘Okay, I’m doing this. Like, I am doing this.'”
Work-Life Balance
It is important to have a healthy work-life balance in your life. According to, “work-life balance does not mean an equal balance. Trying to schedule an equal number of hours for each of your various work and personal activities is usually unrewarding and unrealistic. Life should be more fluid. When speaking on the fluidity of a work-life balance, one should recognize the importance placed on work affairs and personal affairs. It is important to create a balance that leaves you feeling fulfilled.
Another component of a work-life balance is to understand that life is variable. Different aspects of your life may be held in higher importance from one week to the next. Go with the flow and check in on a daily basis. According to Harvard Business Review, “our priorities shift faster than our day-to-day time allocation habits…a more positive work-life balance intentionally reprioritized how they spent their time in a way that lined up with their true priorities.” As well as that, it is important to prioritize what is right for you at this time.
In addition, you can implement changes in your life to help you get back on track with the fundamental aspects of your life. Achieving a healthy work-life balance is one way you can reprioritize your life. Part of that first step is launching into a new career as a medical aesthetician. As a medical aesthetician, you can design your hours around what makes life manageable. Lastly, an important part to becoming a great medical aesthetician is to attend the best nurse aesthetic training available.
National Laser Institute
Furthermore, if you are interested in entering the medical aesthetic and beauty industry, you should find ways to grow your business fast. One such way is through social media. For example, you can use Instagram or Facebook to expand your clientele. With this in mind, follow @asklouology on Twitter and receive complimentary daily marketing tips and tricks to grow your business and soar on social media. If you are interested in learning more about the medical aesthetics industry, feel free to visit online or connect with us on Facebook or Instagram.

About the Author
Hello! I’m Bri Kelley, and I have dedicated the last four years to creating SEO blog content for National Laser Institute. With a family deeply rooted in the company– my mother contributing for nine years and my brother for two– I have immersed myself in the realm of cosmetic lasers and medical aesthetics for almost a decade.
My enthusiasm for skincare and the fascinating realm of medical aesthetics fuels my work. Important to note, my writing spans both the spa and educational facets of National Laser Institute. On the educational side, I delve into the advantages of pursuing a career in either cosmetic lasers or medical aesthetics.
When I write spa-related content, I illuminate the perks of various cosmetic laser and medical aesthetic treatments. Due to this, the dual focus allows me to gain a comprehensive understanding of each aspect within the medical aesthetic field. As well as that, I find great joy in continuous research, which ensures that my content remains current with the latest developments in the ever-evolving landscape of medical aesthetics.