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The Business Side of Medical Aesthetic Medicine

The Business Side of Aesthetic Medicine

by Louis Silberman

Many doctors who branch out into cosmetic medicine ask the same question, “How can I get the word out about my aesthetic services?” As part of our CE/CME Medical Professional course at National Laser Institute, we give attendees a seminar focused solely on marketing and business development. This seminar is widely popular among medical professionals because it shows you how to attract new aesthetic clients and, more importantly, generate revenue from sales of aesthetic services to your existing patients. I’d like to share some of these marketing tips with you.

Happy Skin Hour –Host a meet and greet event. It can be held at your office or a local restaurant. Invite current clients and encourage them to bring friends. Provide hors d’oeuvres and cocktails. Once guests settle in, give a presentation about your aesthetic offerings. Be sure to include a live demonstration of a cosmetic injectable or cosmetic laser procedure.

Lobbying for Aesthetics – The waiting area of your practice is an ideal place to advertise your services. Have a video made that includes slides detailing your aesthetic services, along with interesting skin care facts. Also, include real patient testimonials. Allow the video to constantly replay in your lobby to educate and entertain patients while they wait for their appointments.

Read All About It – If your practice doesn’t already send out a monthly e-newsletter, now’s a great time to start! Around 90% of your e-newsletter should be information relating to your primary practice, and at strategic points, highlight your new aesthetic services. Traditionally patients will only think of a doctor’s office if they are sick or have a routine appointment. This helps keep you fresh in their minds.


Louis Silberman is president and founder of National Laser Institute, the country’s largest cosmetic laser and medical aesthetic training center. Silberman is also a medical spa owner, nationally recognized author and business consultant. Contact Silberman at (800) 982-6817 or

Practice Doc – The Business Side
