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RF Skin Tightening Careers

Careers RF Skin TighteningRF skin tightening Careers are some of the more interesting ones when it comes to Esthetics. That’s because RF is so diverse. As a result, you can use RF for just about anything (within reason!). Perhaps this is why so many are seeking career opportunities in RF skin tightening.

RF Secrets

It’s time for us to spill the beans. That’s right. Juicy RF skin tightening ‘secrets’ you may have never known.

First, let’s talk about time. Typically an RF skin takes between 20 and 45 minutes. That equals very little down time. Plus, redness is usually the only thing clients experience afterwords. However, if you have sensitive skin, you might feel slight discomfort.

So what does all this mean for you? Because most RF treatments are completed so quick, it allows clients to do them anytime throughout the day. We’ve even heard lunchtime is one of the more popular slots for RF.  Similarly at your office, this will increase patient turnover.

Secondly, let’s talk location. Normally with RF treatments we think of saggy spots close to the face, like the chin and cheeks. And, while those are some of the more popular spots, RF is not restricted to the face.

For example, many techs will incorporate RF treatment into other services because they’re so painless. RF can be great for smoothing stretch marks and tightening flabby spots around the stomach.

Lastly, we’ll discuss an aspect of RF you rarely hear about, adipocyte apoptosis. Also called fat-suicide, selective RF treatments have the ability to kill-off fat-cell in the treatment area. We encourage you to dig into the details, but in lamest terms, radio frequency seems encourage fat cells to kill others.

Now if you’re not impressed with ‘lunch break’ RF, stretch-mark removal, and fat destruction – you should be. We like to think of Radio-frequency as the ‘super hero’ of laser treatments.

Why Start A Career In RF skin tightening?

RF skin tightening Careers in the US are part of a broad range of non-surgical cosmetic procedures. In addition to RF, a career in cosmetic skin treatments will likely include:

  • Photo-facial
  • Tattoo removal
  • Microneedling
  • Laser skin rejuvenation
  • Cool-sculpting
  • Cellulite reduction

Subsequently, this means you’ll have a bunch of useful services to offer clients beyond RF skin tightening. And now a day, the thicker your skill-set is, the more prepared you’ll be long term. Because employers tend to look for candidates who can do it all, as opposed to those with only one specific skill.

RF skin tightening Careers questions? Give us a call: 800.982.6817

RF Pay

How much can you make in a RF skin tightening Career in the US? It really depends on your experience. On the same note, a candidate with enough training and certification should be able to start a career anywhere they choose.

In general, a career in esthetics averages $17.25/hour ($35,880/year) in Texas. However, these rates can vary by location within the state. Moreover, laser technicians working full-time at a MedSpa will also have flexible hours/shifts. That’s because laser techs usually work around clients, and schedule their time accordingly.

Where To Go For Training

If you’re ready to start a new RF skin tightening Career, you’ll need to find a good school first. Here at NLI, we offer top notch training backed by over 17 years of experience.

FAQ’s on RF skin tightening Careers for newbies.


During our Online Comprehensive Laser Course you will receive online classroom laser training with a variety of instructors and live demonstrations with several hours on each modality. Then choose one of our nationwide locations to attend your clinicals for hands-on learning!


Modalities include Laser Hair Removal, Photofacial, Laser Skin Rejuvenation, Radiofrequency Skin Rejuvenation, Coolsculpting, Cellulite Reduction, Tattoo Removal, Radiofrequency Skin Tightening, and Microneedling.
