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Are Medical Professionals Who Offer Botox Injections Helping Cure Depression?

botox injections cure depressionIt’s a question that the New York Times analyzed recently when they discussed how Botox injections may curb those who have depression. Botox is the #1 nonsurgical cosmetic injectable in the United States and last year, Botox brought in over 6 million treatments. As a society, we don’t embrace signs of aging. We constantly want to look younger, prettier, healthier. Botox injections allow people to receive a more naturally appearing complexion by smoothing over fine lines and wrinkles that add age to your skin.

Botox Injections: How it Works

Before we take a look at Botox and depression, lets take a look at how it works. Botox is a cosmetic injectable that prevents nerve impulses from firing, which relaxes targeted muscles in the face. Once these muscles are relaxed, wrinkles are softened and you gain a smoother, more youthful appearance.

Botox and Depression

There are two theories when it comes to Botox curbing depression. The first is that Botox has the ability to freeze targeted muscles, so it can also prevent people from frowning. Because frowning is a negative emotion people project when they are down, sad, or depressed, those with depression are unable to experience the full range of negative emotions linked with this action.

Another theory regarding Botox and depression is that when Botox injections are targeted in certain points in the forehead, it temporarily prevents the amygdala from activating. Because the amygdala may regulate the intensive emotions of the brain, Botox may help temporarily those negative emotions with treatments.

Finally, appearance. When you look amazing, you tend to feel amazing. It’s a confidence boost to look in the mirror and love what you see. If wrinkles, fine lines, and aging are getting you down, Botox may help lift your spirits by diminishing those wrinkles and fine lines while giving you youthful skin you can be happy about.

Botox Injection Training

botox injectionsIf you’re a medical professional interested in Botox injection training, National Laser Institute is the place for you. We offer many Botox courses ranging from 1-day to 2-day Botox and fillers to many comprehensive courses that also include laser treatments, skin rejuvenation, BHRT, sclerotherapy, and more. Medical professionals will receive hands-on training on scheduled clients in a luxury medical spa after they’ve learned in didactic lectures from industry experts. Botox injection training at National Laser Institute gives medical professionals the opportunity to gain Botox certification and take quality knowledge back to their place of work.

National Laser Institute
National Laser Institute is the leader in the medical aesthetics industry and has earned many outstanding reviews. To learn more about Botox injection training, Botox courses, or National Laser Institute, please call 800.982.6817.
