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Zap Acne Fast and Furiously with BBL Acne Photofacial Training!

bbl acne photofacialIf you’re suffering from acne, chances are that you’re not the only one.

In fact, between 40 and 50 million Americans suffer from acne ranging from pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, cystic bumps and pustules. No matter what kind of acne you suffer from, there is one universal thing in common: it’s unflattering and oftentimes tragically lowers our confidence in our skin.

National Laser Institute is introducing laser training with one of the top, state-of-the-art cosmetic laser acne treatments called BroadBand Light Acne Photofacials.

These BBL acne photofacials are revolutionizing the way acne patients are treated–no creams, gels, pills, or prescriptions required!

How a BBL Acne Photofacial Works

Sciton BBL laser acne treatment works by using a series of cosmetic light, heat, and energy that doesn’t damage or harm your skin. Heat and energy are combined in order to stimulate collagen for new, healthy skin growth while also helping evening out your skin tone.

The BBL generates a blue light effect, which is what destroys the acne-causing bacteria within your skin. Over a few treatments that your plan requires, you’ll be able to see flawlessly beautiful changes in your skin!

Laser Training

We offer laser training with BBL acne treatments within our medical aesthetician school. Doctors, nurses, aestheticians, health and beauty experts, and even career changers have the opportunity to come in and learn the ins and outs of this groundbreaking acne treatment.

There are a variety of different laser training courses to choose from. Both didactic classroom and hands-on clinical training are provided to students within our luxury medical spa setting, giving them a comprehensive knowledge of many of the popular laser treatments, which includes BBL acne services.

At our laser school, you will learn from leading laser technicians and experts in the medical aesthetics field who help you both in the classroom and in the clinical portion when working with scheduled clients.

The Top Laser School for BBL Acne Photofacials

We’ve seen the results that BBL acne treatments provide to real clients. The BBL acne service is truly a groundbreaking treatment for those who suffer from acne. Now you can learn from the top laser technicians who excel in this advanced acne treatment at National Laser Institute’s laser school.

National Laser Institute is recognized as gold standard education and has received a number of outstanding reviews. We have also been called the Harvard of laser schools across the nation and are dedicated to each and every one of our students.

To learn more about laser schools, acne treatments, or National Laser Institute, please call 800-982-6817 or fill out the form to your right.
