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Holiday Quick Fixes

Easy and Effective Seasonal Treatments

The holidays seem to come earlier every year. Costumes, cranberry sauce in the shape of a can, and mistletoe are all fun reminders that winter is just around the corner. Unfortunately, the season’s themes of peace, love, and joy have the uncanny ability to turn into anxiety and tension in the blink of an eye. Cooking giant meals, dealing with difficult family members, and fighting with other shoppers at the mall to get the season’s must-have toy can stress out even the most relaxed person. With that in mind, there is no better time than the present to revisit your services to create a fresh new holiday themed lineup to meet the ever-changing demands of your clients.

Due to excessive traveling and the obligatory parties that happen during this time, people find themselves caught up in an unending rush of things to do. Although hectic lives and demanding schedules may not sound like pleasant things, this frantic time of year actually offers a land of opportunity for aesthetic professionals with the foresight to develop their own unique treatments that relieve the daily pressures life brings.

When it comes to holiday aesthetics, quick fix treatments are on the top of everyone’s wish list. With family events and shopping lists on people’s minds, they tend to leave pampering and beauty to the last minute. Looking good and feeling confident at special occasions is important, but many do not have time for lengthy treatment schedules that require multiple applications. In this situation, try recommending a list of simple aesthetic services that offer a gentle combination of calming ingredients and instant results. This is the most effective way to soothe their frazzled nerves and keep them glowing throughout the winter months.

Add Holiday Sparkle

When providing facials, wraps, cosmetic laser services or other spa treatments, it is imperative to have a point of difference. Ask yourself, “What makes my services better than any other spa in town?” If the answer does not quickly come to mind then it is high time to sprinkle some magical holiday glitter on your menu.

The first step is to go beyond simply providing a treatment. Provide clients with a unique experience that combines the elements and scents of the season to not only give the gift of beauty, but that of emotional and physical relaxation as well. A great place to start is to feature a selection of seasonally themed treatments that change as the months pass. Creating a special theme name for a traditional treatment or tying in special ingredients associated with upcoming holidays are great ways to add interest to a service menu. This can make all the difference in getting an edge over the competition.

If you are having trouble deciding what type of holiday treatments to offer, the answers are all around. As the end of the year approaches, a familiar array of tastes and scents begin to appear. A grandmother’s special gingerbread recipe, hot apple cider on a cold night and the minty aroma of candy canes are just a few of the things that create an endearing sense of comfort and nostalgia for many. Although these may seem like nothing more than calorie filled treats, their base ingredients have many attributes that give them effective applications in the world of aesthetics.

The Perfect Pumpkin Enzyme Facial

Pumpkins are one of the most recognizable icons that herald the beginning of the holiday season. Traditionally used to bake delicious pies, made into festive fall decorations, or carved to make spooky jack-o’-lanterns, they have a variety of properties that make them a key ingredient in many effective beauty treatments.

The power of the pumpkin lies in the deep penetrating enzymes found in its chemical makeup. Although ‘enzyme’ is a common word, mentioned throughout the beauty world, people are not always familiar with how enzymes work. An enzyme is actually a biomolecule that catalyzes (i.e. speeds up) the body’s chemical reactions.

What does this mean in terms of helping a client look and feel better? When applied to the skin, pumpkin enzymes dissolve away the dead and dull cells that clutter the skin’s surface. This method of gentle exfoliation provides an excellent way to let fresher and more youthful skin shine through without the need for traditional abrasive substances.

As a side effect of this process, the enzymes actively stimulate cellular regeneration. This causes surface skin cells to stay healthy, keeping skin looking younger longer. When deciding what type of pumpkin facial to use, be sure to look beyond their delicious scents and select one that contains plenty of vitamin A and anti-oxidants. These are important ingredients, as they benefit the user by fighting the effects of aging. After just one treatment, skin immediately looks more radiant and supple.

Cranberry Pomegranate Sugar Scrub

The brilliant red color of cranberries adds a festive sparkle to the holiday season. Known for their use in a variety of special treats, this berry is traditionally associated with homemade jams, the delightful aroma of scented candles, or as a delicate dinner garnishing. What many do not know is that this innocent looking fruit is an aesthetics superstar that is perfect for use in handmade natural and organic skin treatments.

Cranberries are a great source of antioxidants in the form of vitamin A and C. These are important in the fight against the negative effects of free radicals, which damage cells and are underlying factors in aging. During the winter months, cranberries become a popular base in sugar scrubs. To create a point of difference and give the scrub a unique spin, consider mixing cranberries with pomegranates. The scents of the two combine nicely and offer a tantalizing combination when used in aromatherapy. The succulent seeds of the exotic pomegranate fruit act as a great exfoliant and its juice contains a variety of beneficial antioxidants as well.

Here is a quick and easy way to make a scrumptious Organic Cranberry Pomegranate Sugar Scrub that clients will love:

  • Combine ½ cup of organic cranberries, ½ cup of organic pomegranate arils (seeds separated from the pulp), 3 tablespoons of soothing almond oil and 1 teaspoon of glycerin. Lightly blend in a food processor or blender until the mixture has thick consistency. Avoid blending into a paste, as this decreases the effectiveness of the treatment’s ability to exfoliate. Finally, pour the mixture into a bowl.
  • Blend ¼ cup of dry oatmeal into a fine powder and add 2 tablespoons of the powder to the mixture.
  • For an extra boost to dazzle the senses, add two drops of scented essential oil. Orange, lavender and rosemary all make lovely additions this scrub.
  • Massage the mixture gently into the application area to exfoliate. Let the mixture set to maximize its beautifying effects and to allow the aroma of the essential oils to melt away the client’s stress.

Merry Mint Mist Facial

As the cooler fall months quickly approach, the moisture in the air decreases. Unfortunately, this also means a decrease in the skin’s moisture, making it look dull and dry. Provide the perfect solution by offering a treatment that destresses and keeps skin looking supple.

The Merry Mint Mist Facial is a unique take on the oxygen facial that incorporate an exciting ancient ingredient. Originally used for medicinal purposes, first century Greeks used the balm mint plant to ease anxiety and depression. Today, the widely grown plant that produces the well-known rich peaceful aroma is a surefire way to relax any customer.

Not only is it great for its soothing qualities, the balm mint also absorbs excess oil and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. Combining mint with a refreshing pure-oxygen mist will take your client to a new level of relaxation. The soothing scent of mint and the invigorating boost of oxygen is a must-have combination for anyone with dry skin or the winter blues.

Winter Laser Wonderland Rejuvenation

The hot summer months that just passed were a fun time of outdoor activities, swimming and tanning. Unfortunately, the continual exposure to the sun prevented many people from taking advantage of the benefits of medical aesthetic laser and light-based treatments. This is because safety rules require that clients not have extended exposure to the sun for two weeks prior to the procedure.

Now that the winter chill is on our doorstep, people quickly transition from swimsuits to sweaters and stay indoors. The changing of the season marks the perfect time to highlight your high-tech beauty treatments. Help your clients prepare for next year’s heat wave with laser hair removal, wrinkle reduction or tattoo removal during this year’s holiday season.

In fall, one of the most popular treatments that are great for preparing clients for those upcoming family parties is the Intense Pulse Light Photofacial. By targeting unwanted red and brown colors in the skin, a Photofacial can rejuvenate skin, remove age spots and the signs of sun damage, and even treat acne. Clients will see results after only one treatment, keeping them happy and their skin clear, supple and glowing.

Winter is an exhilarating and wonderful time of year. Tap into the sense of holiday togetherness and design your own signature treatments by weaving in the many familiar elements of the season. Most importantly, have fun and do not be afraid to try new things. Unique ideas and opportunities are everywhere, limited only by the reaches of your imagination.

Louis Silberman is president of National Laser Institute, a leading school specializing in advanced cosmetic laser and medical aesthetics training for beauty professionals. As an expert in laser aesthetics education, a medical spa owner and nationally recognized author, marketing speaker and business consultant, Silberman has been a driving force behind the organization of laser safety for consumers. Contact us today by calling 1-800-982-6817 or simply fill out the form to the right.

