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Statistics Report 310% Increase in "Brotox"

botox training

While 90% of women make up the nonsurgical cosmetics industry, there has been a significant increase in men receiving Botox treatments over the last 10 years.

The American Academy of Plastic Surgeons reported a whooping 310% spike in “Brotox”–Botox treatments for men–over the last decade.

So what’s the deal? Why are more men suddenly interested in this popular anti-aging solution? There are a number of reasons. Women aren’t the only ones who want to grow old gracefully.

Many men feel like appearing younger helps them do better in a competitive job market. Others want to continue to appear youthful and attractive for their partner. Others may want to do it to give themselves a boost of confidence. Whatever the reason, one thing is clear: Botox has become more widely accepted over the last decade.

Botox for men isn’t the only thing that’s increasing. Overall, Botox has remained the #1 nonsurgical cosmetic treatment with over 5 million services performed in the U.S. alone last year. It requires no downtime, and results appear relatively quickly. Medical professionals are capable of performing treatments in under an hour.

With a significant increase in Botox treatments over the last several years, more medical professionals are learning how to administer Botox with Botox training. The typical Botox treatment costs a client roughly $500. Since Botox is a cosmetic treatment, there is no hassle of insurance. This means you have the potential to earn thousands per day.

National Laser Institute is a leading cosmetic injectable school that trains medical professionals how to administer Botox. Medical professionals must earn certification before providing treatments to clients. NLI’s courses are led by expert medical professionals in the field of medical aesthetics and teach you how to safely and effectively administer Botox. This also includes hands-on training with clients in a medical spa.

Many medical professionals aren’t aware that Botox training can be complete in as little as a weekend with National Laser Institute’s courses.

To learn more about Botox certification or National Laser Institute, simply fill out the form on your right or call 800-982-6817.
