Posts: Aesthetician & Career Changers

  • Sameen K.

    The Clinical segment of the course was amazing! I’ve learned a lot but just wish I could come back and… Read more »

  • Marija D.

    The didactic curriculum covered during the course was excellent. The teachers were knowledgeable and related information in a way it… Read more »

  • M.Z.

    The Hands-on segment of the course has been very exciting, though intense. I feel like I learned a lot every… Read more »

  • Kellie

    The Classroom curriculum covered during the course was a lot to take in, in such a short amount of time… Read more »

  • Matti U.

    Very in depth. Kind of overwhelming but I’m glad I stuck it out because once starting clinicals everything made sense!

  • Alexis D.

    Classroom didactic was outstanding. I understood everything and feel more confident from the first day I walked in. Clinical hands-on… Read more »

  • Cindy S.

    Amazing instructors! Evee was my favorite because she gave a lot of feedback and had a fun attitude. Zeke is… Read more »

  • Faith R.

    The hands on, in person, was great. All of my instructors were wonderful. All of my instructors were great. But… Read more »

  • Gabrielle S.

    The classroom/DIDATIC curriculum was very thorough and informative. I learned a lot and it was not very difficult. The material… Read more »

  • Siani S

    Very informative and easy to understand. I learned a a lot and was able retain all the information because of… Read more »