Posts: Aesthetician & Career Changers

  • Omeski J.

    Coursework was very thorough also fast. Instructors are truly passionate about what they do and the students. During downtime we… Read more »

  • Lauren R.

    I liked having the didactic part online because it was nice being able to be home and not have to… Read more »

  • Frances B.

    I had a hard time understanding a lot of the didactic… however it all made sense once I was in… Read more »

  • Kendra I.

    I really enjoyed the didactic, it definitely helped that I graduated as an esthetician. It refreshed my brain. I absolutely… Read more »

  • Garrett B.

    Very thorough and comprehensive. Amazing hands on training, they did an amazing job of making everything click. Shanna & Monica… Read more »

  • Evany B.

    Very informative! Exactly what I needed to feel confident on my own. Very informative and lots of hands on experience…. Read more »

  • Cheyanne S.

    I felt like I learned so much during my time here at NLI the tests were not hard at all… Read more »

  • Jasmine C.

    Great ! Loved on demand version and to work at my own pace online.

  • Julie Meikle

    It was good. Great material just hard sitting for such extended periods on zoom. Of course, things have changed due… Read more »

  • Alexis B.

    The didactic program was very informative and easy to understand. The clinical program was a very good experience the teachers… Read more »