Posts: Aesthetician & Career Changers

  • Alysia Rhodes

    I have loved it here, I think all the instructors are wonderful and very informative. I am going to take… Read more »

  • Sarah Smith

    I came in here knowing absolutely nothing. I had never even had laser hair reduction done to me before. Now… Read more »

  • Nathalie Alfaro

    The instructors were amazing! They’re experienced and knowledgeable about the industry. It really made me feel like I made the… Read more »

  • Bapsy Acosta

    My experience at NLI has been the best in my life. I feel motivated, educated and in love with the… Read more »

  • Selene Brito

    NLI was such a great experience, motivating staff and knowledgeable. Feels like I can contact them at any moment.

  • Kathy Baldwin

    Best experience ever, the staff is so knowledgeable and professional and I would highly recommend it to anyone wanting to… Read more »

  • Shellie Soria

    Awesome training. The teachers at NLI are excellent.

  • Tanya Reed

    I had a very good experience. I enjoyed working with all of the laser machines and my teachers were awesome.

  • Amber Kaye

    All of the instructors are very good about making sure the info given is absorbed and understood. There’s so much… Read more »

  • Marisol Sanchez

    I loved my experience here. I felt like I learned more in these two weeks than I ever did in… Read more »