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$pa Marketing: How to Ask the Right Business Questions

Many might not realize that the true secret to success lies in the role of persistence and simply asking for what you want. Photo courtesy of pikselstock

Many might not realize that the true secret to success lies in the role of persistence and simply asking for what you want.
Photo courtesy of pikselstock

As the owner of a medical spa training school, I often come across people who are seeking to change their life; big change. Either they want to start a brand new business or career, or they want to make a big adjustment in their current career. Either of these scenarios can be daunting. In the early stages, success often seems like a distant dream, riddled with potential obstacles. Many believe that to achieve success, they need exceptional talent or a whole lotta luck. However, what they might not realize is that the true secret to success lies in the role of persistence and simply asking for what you want.

Which One are You?

Steve Jobs, founder of Apple, often referred to the difference between the “doers” and the “dreamers.” In his words, “Most people never pick up the phone and call. Most people never ask, and that’s what separates the people who do things from the people who just dream about them.” So, are you a dreamer… or a doer?

The Power of Persistence

Imagine a world where every aspiration, every dream, is within reach, waiting to be grasped by those bold enough to reach out. Now, snap back to reality—where success is often perceived as overwhelming, even elusive. But, what if I told you that the first step towards reaching your goals is much simpler than you think? It’s not about scaling mountains or leaping over hurdles; it’s about mustering the courage to ask.

Persistence is the fuel that propels us forward, driving us to overcome challenges and yes, failures—and defy the odds. It’s the unwavering belief in our dreams, even when the world tries to convince us otherwise. There are unlimited examples of successful people in the world who refused to take “no” for an answer: J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter), Michael Jordan (Chicago Bulls), even Steve Jobs, himself. Thomas Edison once said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” All of these wildly successful people embody the essence of persistence.

How Do Doers Get What They Want?

What sets these individuals apart? It’s their willingness to ask for what they want, even in the face of rejection. Asking is not a sign of weakness; it’s a testament to our faith in ourselves and our dreams. It’s about seizing control of our destiny and refusing to be confined by the limitations imposed upon us.

The beauty of asking lies in its simplicity. It doesn’t require fancy degrees or deep pockets; it only demands courage and conviction. Yet, despite its simplicity, many shy away from the act of asking, crippled by fear of rejection or ridicule. But, what if we reframed rejection not as a roadblock, but as a stepping stone towards success?

Every ‘no’ brings us one step closer to a ‘yes.’ Every rejection is a lesson in resilience, teaching us to dust ourselves off and keep moving forward. It’s not about the number of times we fall, but our willingness to rise each time, undeterred by failure.

In the words of the late Maya Angelou, “Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it.” Success is not as far away as you might think; those who are bold enough to reach out and claim it know this to be true. So, the next time you find yourself hesitating, paralyzed by doubt or fear, remember this: the first step towards success is simply asking for it.

Louis “The Laser Guy’s” Three Additional Tips for Getting What You Want

  1. Know what you want in the first place! Is it increased sales, a bigger network, more notoriety in your community? Then, figure out exactly who can help you achieve those goals. Asking is Step One; asking the right person is an imperative Step Two.
  2. If you’re really uncomfortable asking for things (someone else’s time/talent, mentoring skills, advice, etc.), consider bartering: offer something you do well in return. This is a win-win!
  3. The first ‘no’ is not always a forever ‘no.’ Don’t be shy to check back with someone who wasn’t initially interested in whatever you were asking—people’s plans and minds change.
