$pa Marketing: Sizzle, Ignite and Set Fire with Social Media
You know social media is big, but do you know just how big?
Humanizing Your Website to Connect with your Consumer
So, you have a website? Congratulations! Thanks to a number of no- or low-cost website creation tools, even the least techie among us can enjoy an online presence
Update Your Social Media Platform with a Snap of Your Fingers!
It’s no secret that social media can be a useful tool in building and maintaining
Think Outside the Box to Build Your Brand
Albert Einstein is often accredited for defining insanity as, “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result
Spa Business 101: Revisiting the Basics
When I think of the unprecedented growth of the med spa business just in the last decade, it’s almost impossible to believe
Create a YouTube Channel to Market Your Business
Think YouTube is just a fad? You know, like Rainbow Loom or Psy’s Gangnam Style?
Plug in the Gaps!
Tick tock. The sound of a clock. If you’re a spa owner or manager, you know all too well how slowly time passes when clients aren’t filling your treatment rooms
Why Estheticians Should Consider Adding Cosmetic Lasers to their Practices
In 2004, when Botox had been on the market only a couple of years and I myself was a pioneer in the medical aesthetics training industry
Finding the “Sweet Spot” in Social Media Posting
When it comes to building your business, finding just the right formula for marketing efforts can have a significant and positive outcome on results.
The Latest Equipment and Devices for Your Spa Practice
It’s been said there’s no stopping the wheels of progress and spa-related technology is no exception.