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Botox Filler Salary

botox technician salary fillersWithout a doubt, it’s possible to make money in injectables. You can find proof of this by looking at the Botox filler salary! In less time then it takes to wait at the DMV (kidding, the course is two weeks or less) you can be certified as a Botox filler and start making money in the field of medical aesthetics. 

The goal is to work to live, not to live to work. With that mantra in mind, why not position yourself to work a fun, low-stress job in a lucrative field?

That’s exactly the type of trade you will have once you take the steps to become a professional Botox filler. As a facial filler practitioner, you’ll join an exclusive group of medical professionals that treat millions of patients each year in pursuit of the fruitful offerings of the medical aesthetics marketplace.

With just a brief stint of training, in a course that lasts two weeks or less, you will not only boost your own earning potential (you’ll be happy with a Botox filler salary!) and quality of life, but will also improve others’ self-esteem 

Essentially, you can beautify, empower, and enhance the physical health of others while nurturing your own financial wellbeing and future. It’s a win-win arrangement for both practitioner and client!



Quickly, let’s discuss the who, what, where, and why of a Botox filler.


Not just anyone can become a Botox filler practitioner. Truth be told, the field is designated only for certified and licensed medical professionals. As a result, registered nurses, advanced practice nurses, physicians, and only a few permitted others perform such procedures. Enrollees in the leading National Laser Institute Botox and Filler Training courses are privy to specialized training in cosmetic treatments like Botox and other neurotoxin injections and dermal fillers among others.


Botox is the brand name of a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. For years it has been used to treat creases in the face and wrinkles. It is also used for frown lines between the eyebrows among other things. Botox fillers inject small, diluted amounts of Botox into targeted muscles to control their weakening. In short, Botox blocks signals from the nerves to the muscles thereby making the wrinkles soften and relax. Each treatment can last as long as six months.

Botox fillers are the skilled, competent, highly educated medical professionals that inject Botox and other fillers according to client needs, safety specifications, best practice and training.

There are a variety of reasons why millions of people use Botox fillers each year. People of all ages pay for Botox and dermal fillers for cosmetic purposes. The minimally invasive treatments enhance beauty and youthful appearance.

Although it’s a wonderful benefit, beauty isn’t the sole reason for injectables such as Botox. New studies suggest that it may even have widespread benefits including in some cases an alleviation of depression. Emerging studies and trials are telling us that Botox (in a medical setting) may even be useful in helping with the pain of endometriosis. The health benefits of injectables are fantastic and numerous. As a Botox filler, each day you work, you will improve and enrich your clients’ lives drastically.


Botox fillers have their choice of workplaces and as the industry expands, so do the options. Botox fillers working full-time and part-time may be found all over. Generally, they work in dental and plastic surgery offices, clinics, medical health spas and even in their own private practices. Under the supervision of a physician, Botox fillers can work wherever the need presents itself. The possibilities and opportunities are endless.


We’ve already discussed the satisfaction of helping others achieve self-confidence and loving their best selves. As a Botox filler, you will work with clients to help fulfill their aesthetic dreams. In a satisfying job with great hours (fewer weekends or holidays!), you will create beauty and peace of mind for your clients. 

So, why wouldn’t you pursue this opportunity when Botox is reported to be the most popular cosmetic treatment on the market? Similarly, dermal fillers are in second place for popularity. 

Let’s be honest…

Surgery is out and noninvasive and minimally invasive procedures (like Botox and dermal fillers) are in! According to current data provided by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, invasive procedures are on the decline while business for procedures such as Botox and fillers soars.

In fact, recent statistics from ASPS tell us that more than 7.5 million people, including both men and women, received Botulinum toxin (Botox) injections in 2018. An additional 2.6 million people received dermal and other soft tissue procedures.

Such numbers tell us that there is money to be made (hand over fist) in the innovative industry. As a trained, certified Botox filler with a training from National Laser Institute, you will be in a prime position to capitalize on the ever-increasing earnings of the groundbreaking field of medical aesthetics. 


This is where all of this was heading, right? Keep in mind that pay and salaries range for a variety of reasons including location, demand, competitions and services rendered among many others. While we will explain the details of a botox filler salary, remember that you could earn more or less depending on several factors. 

SHOW ME THE MONEY! What is a Botox filler salary?

Now that we’ve covered the nitty gritty of the business, let’s talk money! You’ll be happy to know that a Botox filler’s salary is as healthy as the thriving field of medical aesthetics that feeds it. As a result of the influx of revenue, a mushrooming industry flooded with consumers’ money lends to higher pay to the professionals that work within it. 

Botox fillers benefit from the onslaught of business in people rushing to get injectables. According to the thousands of jobs advertised on ZipRecruiter, the pay is incredibly competitive compared to the pay of other medical professionals. Additionally, the website boasts that Botox filler salary can be as high as $136,000 annually with a range between $49,500 (25th percentile) to $99,000 (75th percentile) across the country.  By the same token, on average, a Botox filler salary is  nearly $77,000 a year!

With jobs that offer generous  paid time off and full benefits including dental, vision and health insurance, the salary definitely looks enticing.

Is There a Catch?

Nope, there isn’t. As far as we can tell (and trust us, we’ve researched) there isn’t a catch to being a Botox filler. The profession truly is as lucrative and appealing as it sounds. As a Botox filler, you will  reach new heights professionally and personally as your earnings mount. Aditionally, your personal satisfaction (with your new career, pay and additional time off in a less stressful environment) will skyrocket!

The exclusive job is rewarding in so many ways. You can help people feel better mentally and physically while lining your own pockets with cash and financial security at the same time!

How Do I Become a Botox Filler?

This is the simplest question so far! Remember, first and foremost, you must already be a medical professional. If you are that, we would love for you to join us at National Laser Institute where we will help you enroll.

Even better: while learning Botox, dermal fillers and even laser, medical professionals can earn CE/CME credit.

You are invited to join us for our new online course that you can attend from the comfort of your own home by simply using your phone or computer! Just think, nearby your favorite mug of coffee, wearing your favorite pair of sweatpants, you can start this journey to a new career!

Taught by well respected professionals in the field of medical aesthetics, your courses are interactive and comprehensive. As a student you will learn from registered nurses, dermatologists, cosmetic surgeons, and other industry experts. 

Full of testimonials and answers specifically geared toward medical professionals, our website speaks volumes and can guide you in the right direction.


Click on the attached form or call 800.982.6817 now!


During our CE/CME Online Cosmetic Injections Course you will receive online classroom and demonstrations on:

– Botox

– Dermal fillers

– Off label Botox and fillers


– Sclerotherapy

– Kybella

– PDO threads


Then choose one of our nationwide locations to attend your clinicals for hands-on learning!

